Link to my article that i sent to ICME12

Looking for info about me in the web I found this link in the ICME12 website. I'm so excited and really I want to go to Seoul Korea in order to attend ICME12. My article is based on the Wejën Kajën (Vargas and others 2008), the learning form of the pueblo Ayuujk from the state of Oaxaca in Mexico, the construction of a teaching sequence is presented which was designed in the Ayuujk language. This paper shows that the Wejën Kajën is an appropiate model for the construction of teaching-learning instruments for the members of the Ayuujk culture who share certain philosophy with other Latin-American cultures. Knowing the way the Ayuujk culture learns, invites us to think about the educative processes that are present in the classrooms at
educational institutions, in which the majority do not take in consideration the culture ́s teaching- learning philosophy which is shared in community, therefore makes it solely theirs(Lenkersdorf, 2010). Taking their reflexions and making them concrete in a school environment lead us to the new formation of collective identity generations. Recognizing that human beings are not isolated, have family, community, culture, region, nation, land, universe bounds (Comboni and Juarez,

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