Abstract: What we can learn from Wejën Kajën: an Ayuujk peoples’ approach to Education?

Querido diario.

Hoy he redactado el resumen de mi ponencia que dictaré en unos meses, en otro país, en otro idioma, de por sí que contigo me comunico en un idioma que no es mi primer idioma ¿Lo sabías? Bueno, en fin. Mi resumen ha quedado como.

Abstract WIPCE 2017
Abstract WIPCE 2017

What we can learn from Wejën Kajën: an Ayuujk peoples’ approach to Education?

Xaab Nop Vargas Vásquez
Wejën Kajën Indigenous Research Institute International A.C
Nova Universitas


For more than eight years. I have been researching “Wejën Kajën”, an approach to learning and teaching, in fact, education from the Ayuujk people of Oaxaca, México. My findings are in the Ayuujk language, but I’m trying to share them in Spanish as well as English.
In this talk, I decided to present the existing literature on “Wejën Kajën” from my current research and from the viewpoints of various other colleagues. Finally, I will discuss the question “What can we (educators) learn from the “Wejën Kajën” perspective?”
This decision was based on my feeling, as a researcher and an educator, that explicit discussion about the relevance of research from indigenous perspective is necessary, and that “Wejën Kajën” serves as an example of that perspective.
It has been made clear to me, through my experience as a teacher and a researcher, as well as a member of an indigenous cultures, that research in education could benefit from taking our point of view on learning and teaching into account.

I believe that Wejën Kajën has the potential to empower indigenous teachers and researchers, like me, to explore what it means to know, learn, teach and research through the lens of our indigenous cultures.

¿Qué te parece? a mi me encanta.

Saludos y estamos en contacto. Ahora escribiré el extenso.

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